Frustration with overweight
Overweight is the mother of a lot of diseases.
You might think about the following:
My clothes don’t fit me anymore.
Attending social occasions became a burden due to my appearance.
I am embarrassed by my appearance.
I am not proud of myself. I feel down.
I lost weight but I gained it back again, I can’t keep it off.
I know what I should eat, and how to exercise but I either failed or couldn’t do it.
I have tried several different diet programs, exercise, and even boot camps but all failed.
I tried several times to change my “lifestyle” but could not.
I have tried everything but failed.
I have lost hope in being slimmer, healthier, and looking better.
I blame yourself for being “fat” or a failure.
It is so depressing and frustrating.
Trinity Health Center opinion is:
Knowing the cause of being overweight is winning half the battle.
You might be fighting the wrong battle.
Is it bad habits, slow metabolism, organ disease, genetics, or hereditary reason?
Overweight is a disease like high blood pressure, thyroid disease, or diabetes.
It needs to be assessed and evaluated by an experienced weight loss physician to assure long lasting success.
You might need FDA approved medications to enhance weight loss.
Losing weight and keeping it off should not be difficult, restrictive, depriving, or cost a fortune.
We, at Trinity Health Center, will show you how easy and fun losing weight and keeping it off can be.
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